Category: Perspectives

DSHEA Summit Recap

DSHEA Summit Recap Nick Crowning, Business Development Manager, attended the DSHEA Summit in early June and shares this assessment: It was an honor to join some our industry’s founding members in Salt Lake City to discuss the past, present, and future of DSHEA.  A special thanks to Stephen Daniells and NutraIngredients-USA for putting this gathering […]

We Effing Told You So

We Effing Told You So By Elan Sudberg Early in my career, I attended a few seminars with the great executive coach Marshal Goldsmith. Among many things, he preached to us future leaders the social importance NOT to always prove we are right (leaving a tiny room for proving we were right sometimes). And so, […]

Pittcon and Psychedelics

Pittcon and Psychedelics Notes from our lab director Anthony Fontana PhD: Pittcon, celebrating 75 years, is an international conference focusing on laboratory science.  Alkemist was invited to present our ISO-17025 validated psychedelic method at Pittcon 2024 conference February 27-29th in San Diego, CA. For the first time the Pittcon organizers included two psychedelic symposium sessions: […]

Expo West 2024 Recap

Expo West Reflections from Petra and Elan Elan: Between reconnecting with some of my favorite people on this planet, getting stuff done at AHPA board meetings and watching my excellent sales team do what they do best, I think I have said this out loud at least 26 times before, but this latest Expo West […]

Elan’s Reflections on 2023

Elan’s Reflections on 2023 By Elan Sudberg A new year is upon us, which means once again I take a snippet of time to reflect on the previous year for both Alkemist Labs and myself personally. 2023 was a banner year for Alkemist Labs and can be validated with the normal KPIs like revenue, profit, […]

New Participants and Products in Alkemist Assured

Alkemist Labs Announces New Participants and Products in Alkemist Assured™ Transparency Program Garden Grove, CA (November 30, 2023) –The Alkemist Labs Alkemist Assured™ testing transparency program continues to attract new participants from among ingredient suppliers and finished product companies in the nutraceuticals industry. The most recent participating companies and products in Alkemist Assured include: Finished Products […]

SSW 2023 Reflections

SSW 2023 Recap Elan’s SSW Reflections SSW23 was the best SSW ever. I think I have said that every year, as the show keeps getting better as does our traction in the industry. Aside from the joy of being with all my industry friends and clients, and unofficially crushing the men’s costume contest at the […]

ASQ Recap

ASQ 2023 Recap Elan and Petra attended and Alkemist sponsored the 7th Annual SoCal Dietary Supplement Consortium last month which brought together industry experts and regulators, including three current and two former FDA officials. Elan was a last minute addition to the closing panel after the organizers decided that someone with experience in the industry’s […]

AOAC 2023

AOAC Annual Meeting 2023 Recap By Anthony Fontana Ph.D., Lab Director I attended the AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition held from August 26th to 30th at the Marriott in New Orleans, Louisiana. The meeting encompassed a wide range of topics on botanical and dietary supplement testing. There were excellent sessions on Botanical Ingredients and Dietary […]

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